6. Pink Floyd's The Wall

6. Pink Floyd's The Wall


Tony and Gus do something no one has ever done before ever: discuss Pink Floyd's The Wall! The Significant Signals boys dive deep into the classic progressive rock opera after a close inspection of the film, and give thought as to what makes this album such an effective story told in a musical medium. The album tells the tale of Pink, a fatherless boy with a controlling mother who grows up and becomes a disillusioned and isolated rock star, trying to figure out where and why it all went wrong. Tony and Gus give particular attention to three songs on the album that are important in the development of the story: first, the political overture "In the Flesh?", which introduces the listener to the chaotic world that Pink lives in; second, the emotionally-vulnerable transformation song, "Comfortably Numb", famous for its dreamy quality and two guitar solos; and third, "The Trial", the theatrical climax. Join them as they delve into the psyche of a man struggling to tear down The Wall.

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